
Drug use among the young and public consciousness of it has spread throughout Denmark during the last third of the sixties. Various legislative and administrative counsels exist on national and regional levels with the task of following and regulating the development. Legally, Denmark until recently has been one of the most liberal countries in the Western hemisphere with respect to drug possession and trade, but since 1969 a sharper course has been followed toward the “heavier” part of the drug trade.Regular use of illegal drugs is still very rare in Denmark, but the trying of hash is not an uncommon phenomenon among youth in the standard population. Other drugs such as the stronger hallucinogens, opiates, and amphetamines seem very modestly appreciated by the young. Contrary to “classical” euphomania, the recent influx of hash (and other drugs) seems to have occurred in all social groups; even more distinctly in the upper socioeconomic groups than in the middle or lower status layers. There is no eviden...

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