
Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis category III / chronic pelvic pain syndrome is detected in 90-95% of patients and depending on the disorders of proteolytic processes in the blood and prostate is subdivided into inflammatory (category IIIA) and non-inflammatory (category IIIB). The treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis must be complex, strictly differentiated and must provide for action on all etiological links and methods (drug and surgical) of treatment of CP. The paper determined the efficiency of entomological medication in chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and the contribution in preventing complications and improving the results of endoscopic transurethral treatment performed in this category of patients. It has been found that the administration of adenoprosine in combination with the standard complex physiotherapy of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis category IIIA and B (inflammatory and non-inflammatory) of the entomological preparation significantly increases the efficacy of the applied treatment, prevents or stops the evolution of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis consequences or intra- and postoperative complications in laser Ho: YAG transurethral endoscopic treatment, performed on the need of these categories of patients. Revolix laser prostate incision is a fast, harmless and promising procedure for, including, recurrent prostate sclerosis, and is used in the elimination of after bladder obstruction with satisfactory clinical results.


  • În pofida rezultatelor favorabile ale tratamentului pacienților din acest lot, e de menționat faptul că la 6 (18%) pacienți cu Prostatita cronică (PC), care au primit tratament cu Adenoprosin, peste 1-1,5 ani s-au manifestat semne de obstrucție infravezicală (Qmax, volumul de urină reziduală, micțiuni nocturne)

  • În celelalte cazuri 6 pacienți (18%) după un examen minuțios și precizarea diagnosticului, s-a stabilit o altă patologie, care și a cauzat apariția dereglărilor de micțiune

  • Оксид азота — Биохимический маркер воспаления хронического абактериального про статита/синдрома хронической тазовой боли (ХАП/ СХТБ IIIA) Вестник РУДН, серия Медицина, 2010, No 4

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Științe Medicale

S-a constatat că administrarea adenoprosinului în asociere cu fizioterapia complexă standard a PCAB categoria IIIA și B (inflamatoare și neinflamatoare) a preparatului entomologic crește semnificativ eficiența tratamentului aplicat, previne sau stopează evoloția consecințelor PCAB sau a complicațiilor intra- și postoperatorii în tratamentul endoscopic transuretral cu laser Ho:YAG, efectuat la necesitatea acestor categorii de pacienți. It has been found that the administration of adenoprosine in combination with the standard complex physiotherapy of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis category IIIA and B (inflammatory and non-inflammatory) of the entomological preparation significantly increases the efficacy of the applied treatment, prevents or stops the evolution of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis consequences or intra- and postoperative complications in laser Ho: YAG transurethral endoscopic treatment, performed on the need of these categories of patients.

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Numărul de micțiuni nocturne
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