
This article deals with the phenomenon of drug trafficking and its’ impact on the system of international relations and a challenge, which it creates for international security and the system of drugs control. Its’ aim is to form a detailed investigation of this factor, because of the impact it has on economic welfare of the number of states (narco-stares), their neighboring regions and on the global health. Drug trafficking makes the solution of any international conflict more complex and provokes the emergence of numerous non-state actors, who represent micro-power both in physical world and cyber-space. Various approaches and researches, concerning attitude to the phenomenon of drug-trafficking within the frame of national sovereignty, global agenda and their efficiency, are also analyzed above. Current article illuminates the conception of deviant globalization, the role which drug trafficking plays in it, gives examples of increased discrimination of ethnic societies and its specific features, as a complex process, which includes all stages of circulation of drugs: starting from their production and ending with a final consumer. We also paid attention to such unique specifics of drug trade, as “profit paradox”, “hydra effect” and “balloon effect”. They make this kind of business particularly attractive for different types of actors and complicate the task of its eradication or delimitation. Drug trafficking creates myriads of subjects all over the world, who effectively cooperate in concert in order to achieve a common goal and, thereby, form global social system. A new perception of drug trafficking will become an optimal methodological basis, which will help to increase the efficiency of anti-drug activity. Instead of isolating it within national security of specific country or social welfare agenda, a new idea of integrated concept of drug trafficking as a factor, which influences numerous dimensions of international relations and global health should be formed.

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