
The purpose of the present study was to describe the reimbursement systems in use for the reimbursement of medicaments purchased within the state compulsory health (sickness) insurance systems in four Nordic countries, and to study whether and how reimbursement for drug consumption. During the study period drug reimbursement has been selective in Denmark and Norway, but in Finland and Sweden it had been a mixture of selective (free drugs) and unselective (partially reimbursed drugs). The use of drug reimbursement as a control measure to regulate the quality and quantity of drug consumption has not been explicit. With the exception of monetary costs, the objectives of the control have not been explicitly stated, and administrative practices have sometimes been arbitrary. Even though at first sight the Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish systems of free medications may appear alike, a more detailed analysis of diseases and drugs showed tht the comprehensiveness and contents of the schemes differed. The differences seemed largely of an administrative nature. The financial costs of drug reimbursement had risen rapidly and varied from one country to another, being highest in Sweden.

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