
Regarding carcinogenicity testing, the long-term rodent bioassay (RCB) has been the test required by most regulatory agencies across the world. Nonetheless, due to the lack of knowledge about its specificity, it has been argued that the RCB is unspecific or even invalid. Because of the substantial limitations of epidemiology to identify chemicals probably not carcinogenic to humans (PNCH), it has been very difficult to address the specificity of the RCB. Nevertheless, because mechanistic/pharmacological data are currently recognized as a valid stream of evidence for the identification of chemical hazards, the road is now open to gain insight into the specificity of the RCB. Based on sound mechanistic/pharmacological data that support the classification of chemicals as PNCH, 100 PNCH substances were gathered in this investigation. Contrary to what was previously forecast, in this study, the RCB exhibited a functional specificity that ranged from 83% to 91%, depending on the settings of the testing (2-species vs. rats only, and the nominal maximum tolerated dose). Other contributions of this work were: (a) enabling the comparison, in terms of specificity, between the RCB and the alternative methods that could replace it (eg, Tg.AC mouse, rasH2 mouse); (b) disclosing what the specificity is for alternative methods that were developed using the RCB as the reference standard; and (c) expanding the previous narrow (only seven substances) set of chemicals identified as not likely to be carcinogenic to humans by hazard identification programs.

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