
Abstract: An objective of drug discovery is to identify novel substances with certain chemical properties for the treatment of diseases. A significant amount of biological data has been produced recently from a variety of sources. Using this data, molecular analysis has been used to determine the most successful treatments. Trial-and-error medicine is frequently frustrating and significantly more expensive. This makes it easier to complete the work by predicting whether a drug will be active or not. The information about the drug can also be used to develop new medications. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) analysis is one application that uses machine learning to improve decision-making in pharmaceutical data across multiple applications. Predictive models based on machine learning have recently grown substantially in prominence with in phase beyond preclinical research. In this stage, new drug discovery expenses and research times are significantly reduced. Utilizing pattern recognition algorithms, deciphering mathematical correlations, chemical and biological features of compounds, and machine learning has been used for drug development increasingly and more frequently, with positive outcomes. Other restrictions include the necessity for a large volume of data, a lack of interpretability, etc. Machine learning approaches are comparable to physical models in that they may be applied to large data sets without the need for computational resources.

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