
Bulgular: Beş model arasında, kemikte görülen en yüksek Von Mises Stres değeri, tek taraflı kusurlu (1/3 kusurlu) maksillada bulundu. Deformasyon değeri 2/3 kusurlu maksilla modelinde en yüksek bulundu. Asimetrik defekt modellerinde, maksilla'nın sağlam kısmında daha yüksek stres değerleri elde edildi. Simetrik kusurlu modellerde, stresin daha homojen bir şekilde dağıldığı görüldü. Anahtar Kelimeler: Zigomatik implant, kuad zigoma, maksillar defekt, sonlu elemanlar analizi Evaluation of Biomechanical Effects of Quad Zigomatic Implant Applications in Four Different Maxillary Defect Types Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the biomechanical effects of quad zygomatic implant use in four different type alveolar defected maxilla. Materials and Methods: Three dimensional models of human skull, zygomatic implants, bar attachment and hybrid prosthesis was modeled using SolidWorks Computer-Aided Design (CAD) program. Four different defect locations were modeled on intact model to mimic different alveolar defect scenarios. In all models, four zygomatic implants were placed on maxilla models at the location of first premolar and second premolar tooth, assembly of the modeled parts were completed. The data were processed by ANSYS Workbench software, 150N vertical occlusal and 300N masseteric load were simulated on modeled prosthesis. The Maximum Von Mises Stress in bone/implants and deformations were visualized and comparatively evaluated with color distribution scale. Conclusion: Cortical bone thickness, defect size and localization are among the factors closely related to the stability and success of the implant. Keywords : Zygomatic implant, quadrant zygoma, maxillary defect, finite element analysis

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