
Precise assessment of drought and its impact on the natural ecosystem is an arduous task in regions with limited climatic observations due to sparsely distributed in situ stations, especially in the hyper-arid region of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Therefore, this study investigates the application of remote sensing techniques to monitor drought and compare the remote sensing-retrieved drought indices (RSDIs) with the standardized meteorological drought index (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, SPEI) during 2001–2020. The computed RSDIs include Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), and Vegetation Health Index (VHI), which are derived using multi-temporal Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellites, and the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. Pearson correlation coefficient (CC) is used to find the extent of agreement between the SPEI and RSDIs. The comparison showed CC values of 0.74, 0.67, 0.57, and 0.47 observed for VHI/SPEI-12, VHI/SPEI-6, VHI/SPEI-3, and VHI/SPEI-1, respectively. Comparatively low agreement was observed between TCI and SPEI with CC values of 0.60, 0.61, 0.42, and 0.37 observed for TCI/SPEI-12, TCI/SPEI-6, TCI/SPEI-3, and TCI/SPEI-1. A lower correlation with CC values of 0.53, 0.45, 0.33 and 0.24 was observed for VCI/SPEI-12, VCI/SPEI-6, VCI/SPEI-3, and VCI/SPEI-1, respectively. Overall, the results suggest that VHI and SPEI are better correlated drought indices and are suitable for drought monitoring in the data-scarce hyper-arid regions. This research will help to improve our understanding of the relationships between meteorological and remote sensing drought indices.

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