
India is a largely agricultural country with about 58% of India's population indulging in agriculture as their primary source of income. Being a predominantly rural economy, the condition of the farmers has a great impact on the overall socio economics of the country. Crop Production is the cornerstone of the Agricultural Sector. Crop Production refers to the large scale cultivation of the same type of plant on a particular portion of land. It is cultivating crops for both domestic as well as commercial use. Rice, Wheat, Maize, Jute, and other crops are among the crops grown on a huge scale in India. Crop production is necessary to support a country’s large population. All individuals depend on the crops for their food as well as their income. Agriculture in India provides a living for the bulk of the population and should never be overlooked. Despite the fact that its contribution to GDP has decreased to less than 20%, while the contributions of other sectors have increased at a faster rate, agricultural production has grown. Despite these facts, the average productivity of many Indian crops is extremely poor. The country’s population is predicted to grow to become the world’s largest in the coming decade, and feeding them will be a major concern. Farmers are still unable to earn a living wage, making their socioeconomic situation even more precarious. There are numerous factors and reasons for the crop failure and the challenges faced by the farmers and their families. Performing a sample study of Maharashtra, we aim at studying the impact of crop failure with respect to the socio-economic conditions of farmers. We will be majorly focusing on the various issues caused by the crop failure on the conditions of the Farmers. As a methodological approach, the findings of the study will incorporate various statistical techniques as well as use of various spatially analytical tools. The result will reflect both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

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