
Drosophila pallidosa belongs to the D. ananassae complex, which includes a total of 10 species. Earlier D. pallidosa was known as light form of D. ananassae but later it was described as a new species, sibling of D. ananassae. Both these terms, light form and sibling species were used by Futch. This makes the taxonomic status of D. pallidosa confusing. In this review we have tried to understand the actual status of this sibling species pair. Considering the similarities and dissimilarities, we suggest that D. pallidosa does not have the full status of a species, rather it is in the process of speciation, statu-nascendi. Our suggestion is strengthened by the fact that male genitalia are identical in both the cases and they lack postmating reproductive isolation since hybrids between them are normal and fully fertile.

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