
Disaster Rescue is a very dangerous job to carry out the process without risking more lives in the process as the environment plays a major role. To find the people, requires the system to identify the movement and recognize the human by using the Thermal imaging system in the place of low-temperature areas such as forests, flood areas, Dark places, and so on. Not just thermal but also RGB cameras, stereo cameras and Infrared cameras are used to gain the surrounding situational inference, and by using the intelligent system to identify humans by their body shape from a distance and using the CV pipeline the movement can be identified and confirmed for victims condition in the disaster area. By mounting the optical systems in the Drone, the process makes it safe for the people, and a quick rescue response can be implemented. Using the heavy payload carrying Drone to supply emergency kit and food supplies to the Victims on time. It as well can also act as an emergency communication Network establishment with the GPS to gain the location of a specific point of Disaster regions.

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