
Cloud computing has become an attractive computing paradigm in both academia and industry. Through virtualization technology, Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) that own data centers can structure physical servers into Virtual Machines (VMs) to provide services, resources, and infrastructures to users. Profit-driven CSPs charge users for service access and VM rental, and reduce power consumption and electric bills so as to increase profit margin. The key challenge faced by CSPs is data center energy cost minimization. Prior works proposed various algorithms to reduce energy cost through Resource Provisioning (RP) and/or Task Scheduling (TS). However, they have scalability issues or do not consider TS with task dependencies, which is a crucial factor that ensures correct parallel execution of tasks. This paper presents DRL-Cloud, a novel Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)-based RP and TS system, to minimize energy cost for large-scale CSPs with very large number of servers that receive enormous numbers of user requests per day. A deep Q-learning-based two-stage RP-TS processor is designed to automatically generate the best long-term decisions by learning from the changing environment such as user request patterns and realistic electric price. With training techniques such as target network, experience replay, and exploration and exploitation, the proposed DRL-Cloud achieves remarkably high energy cost efficiency, low reject rate as well as low runtime with fast convergence. Compared with one of the state-of-the-art energy efficient algorithms, the proposed DRL-Cloud achieves up to 320% energy cost efficiency improvement while maintaining lower reject rate on average. For an example CSP setup with 5,000 servers and 200,000 tasks, compared to a fast round-robin baseline, the proposed DRL-Cloud achieves up to 144% runtime reduction.

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