
Automated Vehicle (AV) technology has the potential to significantly improve driver safety. Unfortunately, drivers could be reluctant to ride with AVs due to their lack of trust and acceptance of AVs’ driving styles. The present study investigated the effects of the designed driving style of AV (aggressive/defensive) and driver’s driving style (aggressive/defensive) on driver's trust, acceptance, and take-over behavior in a fully AV. Thirty-two participants were classified into two groups based on their driving styles using the Aggressive Driving Scale and experienced twelve driving scenarios in either an aggressive AV or a defensive AV. Results revealed that driver’s trust, acceptance, and takeover frequency were significantly influenced by the interaction effects between AV’s driving style and driver’s driving style. General estimating equations were conducted to analyze the relationships between driver’s trust, acceptance, and take over frequency. The results showed that the effect of driver’s trust in AVs on takeover frequency was mediated by driver’s acceptance of AVs. These findings implied that driver’s trust and acceptance of AVs could be enhanced when the designed AV’s driving style aligned with driver’s own driving style, which in turn, reduce undesired take over behavior. However, the “aggressive” AV driving style should be designed carefully considering driver safety.

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