
The paper gives an overview of researches of foreign scientists to change the driver's reaction time, depending on various road conditions, namely regarding the change of studied magnitude when using traffic-light signalization. Previously, the authors have carried out researches of capacity of road section with traffic light regulation, which allowed to establish the dependence of this parameter from the driver's reaction time. This paper proposes calculation of the road capacity using a variety values of the driver's reaction time derived from the analysis. The values obtained allow us to conclude that the inclusion of psychophysiological characteristics of drivers (such as reaction time) will affect both on road capacity and on the different methods of organization/reorganization of road networks sectors, which use the value of road capacity in their implementation.This article analyzes foreign researches devoted to changing the reaction time of drivers on the road conditions. Besides, the effect of changing the driver's reaction time on capacity of the road network sector with traffic-light control was considered.

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