
Introduction. The main participants in the transformation processes of the national economy are representatives of government, community and business. Producers and providers of economic products and services act on the business side, and consumers of economic goods and services act on the community side. The government expresses its complicity in the formation of mechanisms of transformational processes of the national economy in the form of normative-legislative and social-regulatory influence on the formation of economic phenomena and processes. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the drivers of economic transformations in ensuring the design functionality of the strategic development of the national economy .. Methods (methodology). The general scientific methods, in particular theoretical generalization - for generalization of drivers of economic transformations in maintenance of functionality of design are applied in research; system economic analysis - to substantiate the model of influence of economic drivers on transformation processes in the context of design management. Results. According to the results of the research, the types of economic activity and economic processes that are the main drivers of national economy development are identified, which are proposed to be divided into two groups depending on strategic objectives, namely: drivers of economic growth and drivers of economic transformations. Drivers of economic growth are industries and types of economic activity, the growth of which stimulates economic growth in other sectors of the economy and directly affects the corresponding GDP growth. At the current stage of development, the main drivers of growth of the national economy are: the development of transport and logistics infrastructure, the information and communications sector and agriculture.

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