
This paper attempts to answer the question as to whether the right to "life and death" of a woman (ius vitae ac necis) at the hands of male family members or partners is indeed a timeless category. Is it possible that in Serbia of the 21st century there is still a struggle to promote the "right to life" of women to the level of "basic human rights"? What contributed to the fact that the concept of innate human dignity based on "human rights", which dates back from the feudal social order, has not as yet fully come to life in Serbia as far as women are concerned. What social circumstances contributed to the Roman ius vitae ac necis to outlive centuries and take root especially in Serbia, only under a different name - that of femicide? This notion has been defined as "gender based murder of women, girls, and babies of female sex by persons of the male sex". The murderers in cases of femicide include partners (ex / current, spouses or extramarital), family members or relatives: father, father-in-law, son, son-in-law, etc. Both expert and general public wander whether enforcing more stringent norms by authorities or acting towards changing the consciousness of the abusers or both at the same time, can contribute to eradicating this devastating phenomenon in the 21st century.


  • У Ри­му су ду­го вре­ме­на по­сто­ја­ле две вр­сте бра­ка: брак са mi­nus-ом­и брак без mi­nus-а; иа­ко има ро­ма­ни­ста ко­ји твр­де да не по­сто­је две вр­сте бра­ка, већ са­мо два раз­ли­чи­та по­ло­жа­ја же­не у бра­ку.[10]

  • Уби­ству же­не нај­че­шће прет­хо­ди на­си­ље у по­ро­ди­ци (фи­зич­ко, пси­хич­ко, сек­су­ал­но, еко­ном­ско) ко­је ни­је ра­ни­је пре­по­зна­то као ри­зич­но (ка­ко од стра­не жр­тве, та­ко и код ин­сти­ту­ци­ја за­ду­же­них за пре­вен­ци­ју на­ си­ља у по­ро­ди­ци).[44]

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Ко­је су то дру­штве­не окол­но­сти до­при­не­ле да рим­ско ius vi­tae ac ne­cis над­жи­ви ве­ ко­ве и по­себ­но се „при­ми“ у Ср­би­ји, са­мо под дру­гим име­ном – са­вре­ме­но на­си­ље над же­ном (фе­ми­цид).

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