
This study aimed to assess a researcher-developed module in Dressmaking by evaluating its usability, adaptability, generalizability, and content validity. The research followed a descriptive-developmental approach and collected data through a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, such as mean and standard deviation, were used to analyze the assessment data. Additionally, ANOVA was employed to determine if there were significant differences in the assessment between groups of respondents. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents were highly satisfied with all aspects of the module, including its external and internal features. The assessment of the module's usability, adaptability, generalizability, and overall features received an "extremely satisfied" rating from the participants. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the assessment of the module among different groups of respondents, which included Tech-Voc. Faculty, Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) students, and laboratory high school students. These results indicate that the developed module in dressmaking is deemed acceptable by various groups of participants and has the potential to be an effective instructional material for teaching Dressmaking among TLE students. The study suggests that further research should consider conducting pilot tests of the module to validate its effectiveness. By doing so, educators and curriculum developers can gather more evidence on the module's efficacy and make any necessary adjustments. In conclusion, this study contributes to the field of Dressmaking education by providing an assessment of a researcher-developed module. The positive evaluation from participants and the absence of significant differences among different groups of respondents support the module's potential as an instructional resource. Further research can build upon these findings to strengthen the evidence base and facilitate the integration of the module into Dressmaking curricula.

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