
To improve the software debugging efficiency, bug localization techniques have been developed to automatically locate buggy files based on bug reports. Traditional information retrieval-based bug localization cannot deal with the lexical mismatch, thus its performance is limited. In recent years, some deep learning models have been proposed to learn the semantics of bug reports and source files to bridge the lexical gap. However, their accuracy is still limited as building accurate semantic representations of bug reports and source files is very challenging. Recently, relevance matching was proposed to identify whether a document is relevant to a given query by considering both local matching and global matching. In this work, we propose a novel framework DreamLoc, which utilizes a relevance matching model to locate buggy files. Specifically, DreamLoc conducts the local matching by employing an attention-based mechanism to calculate the matching scores between bug report terms and code snippets. It also conducts the global matching by employing a gating mechanism to aggregate results of local matching and obtain the final matching score between a bug report and a source file. Since the local matching considers the relevance between each word and the global matching differentiates the importance of words, DreamLoc can effectively model the characteristics of bug reports and source files. Experimental results on five benchmark datasets show that DreamLoc outperforms five state-of-the-art models. For example, compared with DeepLoc, a recently proposed approach, the evaluation measures Accuracy@10, MAP, and MRR are improved by 6.4%, 7.4%, and 7.2%, respectively.

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