
The present study investigated the dream recall frequency and the pattern of influencing factors of patients with restless legs syndrome in comparison with healthy controls. The patients' dream recall frequency did not differ from that of healthy controls. Dream recall, however, was negatively associated with the number of periodic leg movements with arousal (PLMAI). Subjective estimates of sleep quality or feeling of being refreshed in the morning, on the other hand, did not correlate with the PLMAI index. Whereas subjective sleep parameters were related to dream recall frequency in healthy controls, no substantial relationships were found in the patient group, except for the positive correlation between sleep latency and dream recall frequency. The results of the present study can not be interpreted as clear evidence for the arousal-retrieval model of dream recall; it seems plausible that other factors, e.g. the functional state of the brain, are of importance in explaining dream recall in this patient group.

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