
This paper offers solutions for drawdowns due to intermittent pumping cycles or cyclic pumping, which are high accuracy approximations of the series of Theis functions superimposed in time. The proposed approximation formulas are an improvement over the earlier works. The earlier approximations are valid only if the number of pumping cycles is greater than 10 and involve gamma functions that are less convenient to evaluate than the rational approximation formulas offered in this paper. The proposed approximations are valid for any number of pumping cycles and involve simple functions that can be computed even using a calculator. The drawdown functions are defined for the drawdowns at the end of pumping or shutoff periods. The proposed expressions for these functions are also suitable for the estimation of aquifer parameters by plotting the observed drawdowns on semilogarithmic paper. Procedures for estimation of storage coefficient and head loss at the well from cyclic pumping drawdowns are not available. This paper also offers procedures for the estimation of transmissivity, storage coefficient, and head loss at the pumped well from the observed intermittent (cyclic) pumping drawdowns.

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