
This article focuses on the real face of Development, Alternative Media (AM), Drawbacks of AM in the context of Bangladesh. Organizations like UN who work for Development are not in the right track since they deny problems like ‘poverty’ and ‘hunger’ as parts of Development. As a result, their projects start and end without any mentionable Development. Most experts include internet to be an AM but folk media like opera and doll-dancing never get priority. But these are found to be more effective for Development. After 90’s Internet evolved in our country that is a New Media (NM) but is not again effective since till date the percentage of internet users is very low. In the NM like Internet the voice of labour class never gets focus and that’s why it is not universal. In the NM like Facebook, Blog we see the active participation of general people and they can easily raise voice in favour or against any issue. But these cannot play mentionable role in Development. Various arguments like Mujib-Zia, Left-Right etc prove that AM is for Development, Development is not for the AM. Development comes through some root level people like farmers not through AM. Certain TV Shows like ‘Hridoy e Mati o Manush’ (Earth and man in Heart) proves that they misguide the Development stakeholders. The use of difficult words by the Development workers somehow creates a hindrance on the way to Development. Folk media like songs of Sufia, doll-dancing are more effective for Development than the so-called AM like internet. Whereas internet covers a small portion of nation, folk media covers a larger portion but the matter of fact is that folk media never reaches the ears of policy makers. That’s how AM cannot come out of its drawbacks and we need to think newly with the NM and way to Development. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p2229


  • Leaving aside the literal meaning We wanted to define the ‘Development’ in the light of general students’ thinking of the University of Dhaka

  • If we want to arrange our disordered discussion, in that case the main tune comes in this way-‘Alternative Media (AM) is for Development only; Development is not for the AM’

  • The detachment of Development seeking people from internet and the 1% people’s using internet in the cyber space is sought to be marked as drawbacks by us

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Leaving aside the literal meaning We wanted to define the ‘Development’ in the light of general students’ thinking of the University of Dhaka. We personally believe, in the AM of internet based cyber space, the pleasure and accession of our root level people is not satisfactory These folk media can reach us comparatively . To evaluate the role of AM in the cyber space and to develop the society, we feel the necessity of making the class of internet users in Bangladesh. In the survey it is stated, in Bangladesh less than 1% or close to 1% people enjoy the internet facility. Writers, opinion makers of AM none leads that class basically whose Development is most important at this moment Those of us who are talking about Development in cyber space should understand that this is an alienated public sphere. Through this in the Development the failure picture of AM becomes clear

The Spiral of Silence
Trade in Heart
Drawbacks of Alternative Media
10. Conclusion
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