
Objectives: This section outlines the main goals and purposes of the article, providing a roadmap for the reader to understand the focus and intention of the analysis.
 Methods: Here, the article details the approach taken to examine Hamza Hakimzoda's dramaturgy in his interpretation of Miyan Buzruk. It may include information on the sources consulted, the analytical framework employed, and the criteria for evaluating the dramaturgical elements.
 Results: This part of the article presents the findings of the analysis, showcasing the specific ways in which Hakimzoda's dramaturgy adds new dimensions to the character of Miyan Buzruk and the overall narrative. It may include insights gained from the examination of dialogue, character development, and stagecraft.
 Conclusion: The conclusion section summarizes the key takeaways from the analysis and discusses the broader implications of Hakimzoda's dramaturgy for Central Asian theater and literature. It may touch upon the contemporary resonance of Miyan Buzruk, the interplay between tradition and innovation, and the lasting impact of Hakimzoda's contribution to the theatrical legacy.

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