
Part I: Introduction. Leigh, Dix, Haythorne, Dokter, The Role and Relevance of Dramatherapy in Schools Today. Jones, Childhood Today and the Implications for Dramatherapy in Schools. Holmwood, Stavrou, Dramatherapy and Drama Teaching in School: A New Perspective Towards a Working Relationship. Meldrum, Supporting Children in Primary Schools through Dramatherapy and the Creative Therapies. Part II: Case Studies. Dix, Whizzing and Whirring: Dramatherapy and ADHD. Shine, Fear, Math, Brief Dramatherapy and Neuroscience. Domikles, Violence and Laughter: How Dramatherapy Can Go Beyond Behaviour Management for Boys at Risk of Exclusion. Dix, All the Better to See You With: Healing Metaphors in a Case of Sexual Abuse. Carr, Romeo and Juliet and Dramatic Distancing: Chaos and Anger Contained for Inner City Adolescents in Multicultural Schools. Dooman, Looking for Meaning with Bereaved Families: Bring Back My Daddy and Other Stories. Court, Higley, Lousada, Education, the Playground Project and Elements of Psychodrama. Coleman, Kelly, Beginning, Middle, End, Beginning. Dramatherapy with Children who have Life Limiting Conditions and with their Siblings. Part III: Collaborative Partnerships in Schools and Beyond. Roger, Learning Disabilities and Finding, Keeping and Protecting the Therapeutic Space. Kelly, Bruck, Staff Sharing: An Integrative Approach to Peer Supervision. Mercieca, "I'm Not So Sure, Miss." The Concept of Uncertainty and Dramatherapy Practice within an Educational Setting. Trustman, Self-harm and Safeguarding Issues in the School and Classroom - A Partnership Approach. Brown, Dramatherapy and Clinical Psychology: Play and Reality for Autistic and Psychotic Children. Haythorne, The Charity Roundabout: One Model of Providing Dramatherapy in Schools. Part IV: Evidence and Outcomes. Haythorne, Crockford, Godfrey, Roundabout and the Development of Psychlops KIDS Evaluation. Greene, An Educational Psychology Service Evaluation of a Dramatherapy Intervention for Children with Additional Needs in Primary School. Andersen-Warren, Review of Dramatherapy and The British Association of Dramatherapists Research. Part V: Future Possibilities. Gersch, Educational Psychology, Listening to Children and Dramatherapy. Meldrum , A Model of Emotional Support in Primary Schools. Leigh, Holding the Family in the Heart of School. Haigh, Future Potential. Gersch, Conclusions. Haythorne, Some Useful Addresses and Websites.

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