
The arrangement of the veins of the scalp is not well-known. The drainage of the scalp by the superficial temporal v. was studied in 68 specimens dissected from unembalmed cadavers. After prolonged contraflow irrigation, the whole of the venous network drained by the trunk of the superficial temporal v. was injected from either side with latex. Depending on the method chosen to demonstrate the venous network, whether by direct observation or corrosion, the latex was stained with Evans' blue or with Latexol. The superficial temporal a. was also prepared by injection-corrosion in 16 cases. The diameter of the trunk of the superficial temporal v. in its preauricular portion was estimated as between 1.1 and 1.6 mm. Nine different types, classified by frequency, were recognised in the arrangement of the affluents of the superficial temporal v. In every case there was a main parietotemporal collector continued as the trunk of the superficial temporal v. The affluents joining the main collector varied in number (from 8 to 1) and in arrangement. Their anastomoses with the veins adjacent to the superficial temporal v. were numerous. The density of the secondary branches varied greatly with individuals. They were sometimes totally absent, particularly in the fronto-temporal region. Usually, the main collector was of sufficient caliber for microsurgical use and its course followed that of the parietal branch of the superficial temporal a., but in 4% of cases the main collector was too narrow to be so used and in 8% of cases its course did not follow that of the parietal branch of the superficial temporal a.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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