
Odonata was very selective to the habitat selection. Their sensitivity toward environment makes them be good indicator species. Information of species diversity of Odonata in the highland of tropical freshwater lakes is still rare. The purpose of this research was to compare species diversity of Odonata in Telaga Biru Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, Telaga Warna, Nature Park, and Telaga Saat, West Java. Data of Odonata population were collected using fixed point count method. The results showed that species diversity of Odonata in Telaga Saat is higher than Telaga Warna, Nature Park and Telaga Biru, Mount Gede Pangrango National Park. Species diversity indices of Odonata in the three of lakes ranged between 0.78 – 1.75 and were categorized medium and low diversity. Jaccard index of similarity showed that Telaga Warna and Telaga Saat had the similar communities of Odonata. The high index of species diversity of Odonata in Telaga Saat was probably due to the higher intensity of light, which created the higher air temperature at the lake. Species richness, diversity and Shannon index of Odonata was the highest in Telaga Saat compared two other sites.

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