
Abstract DEAR srn,-Suffering myself from the consequence of a very serious accident, but being informed that Dragonetti was dangerously ill, I limped on Thursday last to his residence to see him. I was informed by his friend Mr. N. that I could not see him, and that there were many persons waiting there for that purpose, but could not be allowed to do so, Dragonetti being too ill. I rested myself in an apartment for some time; at last Mr. N. receded, shaking his head, to whom I said, to mention to Dragonetti Mr. Stumpff would be glad to see him, which wish he complied with. On returning, he said, Mr Dragonetti would be glad to see me. I found him in his bed; on beholding me, he stretched his hand towards me, which I pressed warmly, saying-’That was the hand Beethoven desired me to press, and which I came here to perform now in my own name, as well as that of his great friend Beethoven, who is now composing sublime symphonies in purer regions. At this moment his withered countenance visibly cleared up and grew animated, uttering-’{ am glad to see you very much.’ Being desired by Mr. N. to make my visit short, I pressed his hand very hard, uttering ‘God bless you, my dear sir, for ever’.

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