
The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of Dragan Tsankov as the head of the government of the Bulgarian Principality in 1880. Based on archival materials from the scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Bulgarian Historical Archive at the National Library named after St. Cyril and Methodius, as well as the press of the period under review and the works of modern Bulgarian and Ukrainian researchers, identified the tasks that D. Tsankov set for the ministries, the main stages of the implementation of government and party goals, as well as foreign policy guidelines. Also the author touches on the issue of disagreements between the leaders of the Liberal Party and the internal party contradictions. The author comes to the conclusion that a homogeneous liberal government led by D. Tsankov in a fairly short time prepared and passed through the National Assembly a several important bills aimed primarily at financially and economically stabilizing the state. He was a supporter of a system of broad self-government as a guarantee of the Constitution and national freedom, and also proceeded from the needs and interests of the state and the Bulgarian people. However, part of the election promises were not fulfilled, in particular, the land issue was not completely resolved. Decline in authority, disagreement between party members and strained relations with the prince became significant reasons for the collapse of D. Tsankov’s cabinet. However, this stage in the life brought D. Tsankov invaluable experience in public administration, which was an opportunity to popularize his political principles, find like-minded people and, in the future, gain a foothold as a separate political force from the Liberal and Conservative parties.

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