
In the frame of aerodynamic drag reduction for low-emission target, Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) control and riblets are the most interesting passive techniques. The drag breakdown in the case of riblets installed is a topical matter for understanding on which form of drag riblets act. Indeed, linear theories and flat-plate experiments show that riblets act on friction drag whereas other experiments in pressure-gradient flow revealed an increased performance of riblets that was not interpreted. A contribution to clarify this effect has been recently provided analyzing the effect of riblets on form drag in two-dimensional pressure-gradient flows. In the present paper the effect of riblets on pressure drag is discussed also in three-dimensional flows analyzing CFD solutions of the flow around an innovative regional turbo-prop aircraft (wing-body configuration) with NLF and riblets installed. For the first time, the contribution of each of two drag reduction systems is identified and a deep analysis on which form of drag riblets act in three-dimensional flow is proposed thanks to a far-field aerodynamic drag breakdown.

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