
THE obituary notice of Dr. Garnett in NATURE of November 12 omits to mention his long connexion with the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 ; and as Dr. Garnett was justly proud of his membership of this body, perhaps a supplementary note may be of interest. The facts are these : Dr. Garnett Was an original member of Lord Playfair's committee which devised and introduced the Commissioners' scheme of research scholarships, a scheme which has done so much for the improvement of scientific education both at home and overseas, and has also contributed in no small measure to the advancement of science. From 1890 until a few months ago, Dr. Garnett served without intermission as a member of the Science Scholarships Committee of the Royal Commission, and his recent resignation from that body, prompted by increasing deafness which latterly prevented him from following discussions at meetings, deprived the Committee of its senior member and its oldest friend ; and now his death removes the last link with that eminent body of men of science to whose wisdom and foresight higher education in Great Britain owes so much. I am privileged to know that, on his, relinquishing his active participation in the affairs of the Royal Commission, Dr. Garnett received from H.M. the King a most gracious message of appreciation of the valuable services which he had rendered to the Commission for more than forty years. I believe that readers of NATURE will be glad to have their attention directed to this further aspect of his long and useful life.

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