
Dr. Davis reported three fatal cases of vomiting during pregnancy. In the first of them, the pregnant woman suffered from gastric disorders before pregnancy; her vomiting was incessant and very exhausted her. She died at 2 months of pregnancy. Before dying, she developed a petechia-shaped spotty rash. In the second case, severe nausea and vomiting occurred at 3 weeks of pregnancy with severe pain and belching, locally: prolapsus and anteflexio uteri. The usual treatment. At 14 weeks, the anteflexed uterus was infringed at the bottom behind the pubis; the correction did not reduce vomiting. The expansion of the neck was accompanied by a slight improvement. It was decided to empty the uterus, which was done without difficulty and with minor bleeding. The patient, however, died soon after. An autopsy showed that the tissue of the uterine cervix was abnormally hard (fibrous); the uterus, ovaries, and tubes were normal; the blood was thin, fatty degeneration of the heart. In the third case, the patient, in addition to nausea and vomiting, suffered from severe pain in the epigastric region and vomiting had a coffee color. Everything possible was done, but nothing helped: the patient died.


  • Dr Davis сообщилъ о трехъ случаяхъ рвоты беременныхъ, кончившихся летально. Въ первомъ изъ нихъ беременная болѣла гастрическими разстройствами до беременности; рвоты были у ней безпрерывныя и очень истощили ее.

  • Д-ра Jewett (Brooklin), Noble, Davis и Murray—предпочитаютъ въ трудныхъ случаяхъ произвести симфизеотомію.

  • Davis произвелъ 4 раза эту операцію съ благопріятнымъ исходомъ.

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Dr Davis сообщилъ о трехъ случаяхъ рвоты беременныхъ, кончившихся летально. Въ первомъ изъ нихъ беременная болѣла гастрическими разстройствами до беременности; рвоты были у ней безпрерывныя и очень истощили ее. Д-ра Jewett (Brooklin), Noble, Davis и Murray—предпочитаютъ въ трудныхъ случаяхъ произвести симфизеотомію.

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