
Dr. Louise Eisenhardt was one of the first neuropathologists and was responsible for the development of tumor diagnosis guidelines. This historical vignette reviews her previously unseen handwritten notes in which she describes methods used by her and Dr. Harvey Cushing to obtain patient follow-up data for their Brain Tumor Registry. Her description spans 50 years, using "every possible clue to be jumped upon in [their] clinical records and correspondence." Their follow-up was divided into two periods: early follow-up (1912-1932) and registry (1933-1961). During early follow-up, patients were asked to write to them on the anniversary of their operation. The foundation of the registry necessitated the use of "considerable effort on [their] part to gather up old threads" including renewed contact with patients after 15-20 years. Methods of follow-up included continued verbal and written correspondence with patients and "strong-arm methods," including use of the Fuller Brush man and the exhumation of a body. Drs. Eisenhardt and Cushing believed "every case was important in adding to our collective knowledge of various types of tumors particularly in relationship to life expectancies and suggesting improvement in surgical treatments." Dr. Eisenhardt's meticulous record keeping allows for insights into the first known outcomes-related tumor registry in neurosurgery.

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