
THE appointment of Dr. J. B. Speakman to the chair of textile industries of the University of Leeds will afford pleasure to the many admirers of his work on the structure and properties of the wool fibre. Dr. Speakman is a graduate and D.Sc. of the University of Manchester, where, except for a period of war service, he spent the years 1915–1920. His next three years were passed at Eton with Prof. R. Whytlaw-Gray, carrying out research on aerosols for the Chemical Warfare Committee. Since 1925 he has been in charge of the Textile Chemistry Laboratory of the University of Leeds, where he was appointed lecturer in 1925 and reader in 1937. Dr. Speakman has been awarded the Warner Memorial Medal of the Textile Institute, and three times he has been the recipient of the Research Medal of the Worshipful Company of Dyers. He has also served for a dozen years on the council of the Textile Institute, and on the Publications Committees of the Textile Institute and the Society of Dyers and Colourists. Under his direction, the Leeds Textile Chemistry Laboratory has attained a high and well-deserved reputation, and his new appointment will undoubtedly lead to still wider successes in his chosen field.

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