
A black woman suffering from a fistula of 4 millimeters in diameter, located on the anterior wall of the vagina, was twice unsuccessfully operated on by Dr. Corson. Then S., starting the 3rd section of the operation, came up with such an adaptation: taking a small, guta-percha ball (children's toy), cut it into the center and. I inserted an oblong shoe button through the hole with the eye outward; a strong thread is pulled through the eyelet. The ball in a compressed form is passed through the fistula into the bladder. When the ball is pulled downwards, the edges of the fistula, protruding, become clearly visible and easily accessible. Having freed the edges of the fistula and applied sutures, Corson parted the stitches, removed the ball from the urinary bladder and then finished the operation in the usual way. The fistula healed with primary tension.


  • Негритянка, страдавшая фистулою 4 миллиметровъ въ діаметрѣ, находившеюся на передней стѣнкѣ влагалища, была дважды безуспѣшно оперирована д-ромъ Corson’омъ.

  • R. Corson.—А Suggestion in the Operation for Vesico-vaginal Fistula.—(American Journal of Obstetrics etc., 1894, VIII, p.

  • Тогда С., приступая въ 3-й разъ къ операціи, придумалъ такое приспособленіе: взявъ маленькій, гутаперчевый шарикъ (дѣтскую игрушку), прорѣзалъ его въ центрѣ и .

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Негритянка, страдавшая фистулою 4 миллиметровъ въ діаметрѣ, находившеюся на передней стѣнкѣ влагалища, была дважды безуспѣшно оперирована д-ромъ Corson’омъ. R. Corson.—А Suggestion in the Operation for Vesico-vaginal Fistula.—(American Journal of Obstetrics etc., 1894, VIII, p. Тогда С., приступая въ 3-й разъ къ операціи, придумалъ такое приспособленіе: взявъ маленькій, гутаперчевый шарикъ (дѣтскую игрушку), прорѣзалъ его въ центрѣ и .

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