
BY the death of Dr. Albert Sidney Frankau Leyton on September 21, at fifty-two years of age, we lose a worker who, through his researches in pathology, contributed much to medicine. The value of these researches, though appreciated by those who follow closely the advance in scientific medicine, will come to be fully recognised only when the history of the development of that science during the last four decades is written. Dr. Leyton, the son of Joseph Grünbaum, who early in life settled in this country, had a brilliant scholastic career, first in the City of London School and then at Cambridge, where he was elected a scholar of Gonville and Caius College, and proceeding to his degree, gained honours in the natural sciences tripos. He completed his clinical studies at St. Thomas's Hospital, and graduated M.D. in 1897 and D.Sc. in 1913.

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