
The crater lake of Kawah Ijen volcano contains extremely low pH (<0.4) waters with high SO4 (∼70000mg/kg), Cl (∼21000mg/kg), F (∼1500mg/kg), Al (∼5000mg/kg), Fe (∼2000mg/kg) and trace metal (Cu ∼0.5, Zn ∼4, Pb ∼3mg/kg) contents. These brines seep outward through the western crater rim and reappear on the other side as streamlets, which form the headwaters of the Banyupahit stream. The Banyupahit first mixes with fresh rivers and thermal springs in the Ijen caldera and then irrigates a coastal agricultural plain which is 30km from the summit crater.We discuss the downstream composition changes affecting the Banyupahit waters by using stable isotope, chemical and mineralogical data collected from sites along the stream length. The saturation of the stream waters with respect to minerals was evaluated with SOLVEQ and WATEQ4F and compared with the geochemical observations. An aluminous mineralogy (alunogen, pickeringite, tamarugite and kalinite) develops in the upper part of the Banyupahit due to concentration of the headwaters by evaporation. Downstream attenuation of dissolved element concentrations results principally from dilution and from mineral precipitation. The stream pH changes from ∼0 at the source to >4 close to the mouth. The δD and δ18O values and the relative SO4–Cl–F contents of the Banyupahit waters indicate that the tributaries are mostly meteoric. Dissolved SO4 in the acidic stream come only from the crater lake seepages and are not involved later in microbially mediated reactions, as shown by their δ34S and δ18O values. Re-equilibration of the stream SO4 oxygen-isotope composition with H2O from tributaries does not occur.Calcium, SiO2, Al, Fe, K and SO4 behave non-conservatively in the stream waters. Gypsum, silica (amorphous or poorly ordered), a basic aluminum hydroxysulfate (basaluminite?), K-jarosite and amorphous ferric hydroxide may exert a solubility control on these elements along the entire stream length, or in certain stream sections, consistent with the thermochemical model results. Downstream concentration trends and mineral saturation levels suggest that precipitation of Sr-, Pb-rich barite and celestite consume Ba, Sr and Pb, whereas dissolved Cu, Pb and Zn may adsorb onto solid particles, especially after the junctions of the acidic stream with non-acidic rivers. We calculated that significant fluxes of SO4, F, Cl, Al, SiO2, Ti, Mn and Cu may reach the irrigation system, possibly causing serious environmental impacts such as soil acidification and induration.

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