
Five short cores sub-sampled from box cores from three sites in the eastern Weddell Sea off Antarctica and in the eastern Pacific off southern California, covering a range in water depth from 500 to 2000 m, were analysed for the down-core distribution of live (stained with Rose Bengal) and dead benthic foraminifera. In the California continental borderland, Planulina ariminensis, Rosalina columbiensis and Trochammina spp. live attached to agglutinated polychaetes tubes that rise above the sediment-water interface. Bolivina spissa lives exclusively in or on the uppermost sediment. Stained specimens of Chilostomella ovoidea are found down to 6 cm within the sediment and specimens of Globobulimina pacifica down to a maximum of 8 cm. δ 13C values of live G. pacifica decrease with increasing depth from the sediment surface down to 7 cm core depth, indicating that this infaunal species utilizes 13C-depleted carbon from pore waters. In the dead, predominantly calcareous benthic forminiferal assemblage, selective dissolution of small delicate tests in the upper sediment column causes a continuous variation in species proportions. In the eastern Weddell Sea, the calcareous Bulimina aculeata lives in a carbonate corrosive environment exclusively in or on the uppermost sediment. The arenaceous Cribrostomoides subglobosum, Recurvoides contorus and some Reophax species are frequently found within the top 4 cm of the sediment, whereas stained specimens of Haplophragmoides bradyi, Glomospira charoides and Cribrostomoides wiesneri occur in maximum abundance below the uppermost 1.5 cm. Species proportions in the dead, predominantly arenaceous, benthic foraminiferal assemblage change in three distinct steps. The first change is caused by calcite dissolution at the sediment-water interface, the second coincides with the lower boundary of intense bioturbation, and the third results from the geochemical shift from oxidizing to reducing conditions below a compacted ash layer.

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