
Background: Neonates with Down syndrome (DS) weigh less, are smaller and have increased first-year mortality, especially if born small for gestational age (GA). DS-specific GA-related neonatal anthropometrics for Germany are lacking. Objectives: To construct reference tables and centile curves for birth weight (g), crown-heel length (cm) and head circumference (cm) by sex and GA for German DS neonates. Methods: Retrospective anthropometric data from live-born singleton DS neonates born in Germany from January 1966 to June 2010 were collected using standardized questionnaires and patient records. Reference tables were created based on means and standard deviations. The 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 97th centile curves were constructed and smoothed using running medians and Cole's LMS method. Results: Anthropometric measurements were obtained for 1,304 DS neonates [males/females: 713/591 (54.7%/45.3%)]. Reference tables and centile charts were constructed from 3,542 (males/females: 1,932/1,610) observations for GA 32-41 weeks. Compared with general-population newborns, prematurity was increased (21.1 vs. 6.3%) at GA 32-36 weeks. Term-born (GA 40 weeks) male and female DS neonates were 352.5 and 223.5 g lighter and 1.5 and 1.4 cm smaller than general-population neonates, and head circumference was also 1.4 and 1.5 cm smaller, respectively. Conclusion: This is the first study to report GA-related, sex-specific reference tables and centile charts of birth weight, length and head circumference for DS neonates born in Germany. Compared with the general German population, DS newborns are more frequently born prematurely, weigh less, are smaller and have a smaller head circumference at birth.

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