
The present study was designed to analyze the regulation of the levels of the polyamines and their biosynthetic enzymes during embryonic development of Xenopus laevis. The activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a rate-controlling enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is elevated until, during gastrulation, there is a precipitous drop in activity. This is not attributable to a decrease in ODC mRNA content and polysome profiles reveal no apparent decrease in ODC message associated with polysomes. ODC synthesis seems to be maintained at a low, relatively constant rate until neurulation whereupon ribosome loading of ODC mRNA increases. During gastrulation the rate of ODC degradation increases dramatically, which can account for the decrease in ODC. S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC), another rate-controlling enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, shows a low and constant activity from cleavage to neurulation. Subsequently, the AdoMetDC activity increases dramatically. The changes in AdoMetDC activity parallel the changes in AdoMetDC mRNA levels, suggesting a transcriptional control of AdoMetDC expression during this developmental period. The activities of ODC and AdoMetDC produce a steady increase in putrescine and spermidine content of the embryo. The spermine content also increases until gastrulation, but then decreases until the tailbud stage.

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