
Concerning the usability and efficiency to manage video data generated from large-scale cameras, we demonstrate DoveDB, a declarative and low-latency video database. We devise a more comprehensive video query language called VMQL to improve the expressiveness of previous SQL-like languages, which are augmented with functionalities for model-oriented management and deployment. We also propose a light-weight ingestion scheme to extract tracklets of all the moving objects and build semantic indexes to facilitate efficient query processing. For user interaction, we construct a simulation environment with 120 cameras deployed in a road network and demonstrate three interesting scenarios. Using VMQL, users are allowed to 1) train a visual model using SQL-like statement and deploy it on dozens of target cameras simultaneously for online inference; 2) submit multi-object tracking (MOT) requests on target cameras, store the ingested results and build semantic indexes; and 3) issue an aggregation or top- k query on the ingested cameras and obtain the response within milliseconds. A preliminary video introduction of DoveDB is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N139dEyvAJk

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