
Aim: The study has been carried out in order to identify the breast-feeding features of the women in postpartum period and breast problems affecting it. Material and method: The study has been made in the centre of city, Nevsehir and the sample of it constitutes 200 mothers. The data is collected via face-to-face interview method by using a questionnaire supplied by the analysts. The percentage and Pearson chi-squared test are used for data assessment. Results: It is stated that the mothers of 71,0 % have vaginal delivery and 82,5 % of them multipara, multipar women of 93,3 % have put their babies to the breast in their previous deliveries. The women of 29,5 % have stated that they are not informed regarding breast-feeding during prenatal period. The rate of the women who breast-feeding in the first half-hour in postpartum period was 44,0 %. The women have indicated that 60,0 % of them have problems about their breasts, 55,8 % of them have nipple chaps, 33,3 % of them have pain on their breast. It was identified that the rate of feeding the babies with formula was higher and feeding of the baby was delayed in women who gave birth by cesarean section. It was also determined that the problems related to the breast didn’t affect breastfeeding significantly. Conclusion: The breast care, one of the main constituent of the breast-feeding, is of importance for the fact that it affects having problem status concerning the breast during breast-feeding. The mothers are supposed to be informed for the breast-feeding and breast care during prenatal and postpartum period

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