
The Sunnah is the second source of Islamic legislation, and Sahih al-Bukhari is the most correct book after the Holy Qur’an, and the correct mosque still needs to be taken care of and served more.
 The Sahih Mosque contains words about which the narrators doubted, and they –that is, those words - need a hadith study to arrive at the conclusion that the doubts contained in some of the words are not defamatory in the hadiths of Sahih al-Bukhari.
 This research studied the doubt contained in the hadith of Jaber, may God be pleased with him, about the lengthening of the reading in prayer in Sahih al-Bukhari. The bug.
 In the second topic: he first cited the text of the hadith, a chain of narrators and a text, and he produced it in a detailed explication, and clarified the strange words in the hadith.
 Then he collected the hadith methods from the sources of the Prophetic Sunnah, then identified the word from which doubt occurred to the narrator, then compared the narrations to determine the course of the hadith, to find out who narrated the hadith with certainty and who narrated it with doubt.
 Then search and search for those who had doubts, and translate it in detail, then talk about the implications of the narration from the jurisprudential point of view.
 The researcher concluded through the research that the doubt contained in this hadith does not undermine the authenticity of the hadith, and the narrator’s doubt leads to an increase in caution and precaution in the transmission of the noble Prophet’s hadith as it is without addition or subtraction, or alteration, change, or distortion.

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