
Double-quantum light scattering by a system of molecules is discussed in this paper. Expressions have been obtained for the scattered light intensity considering both the coherent and incoherent contributions. In that coherent contributions are also considered in this treatment, it goes beyond the scope of previous studies. It is shown that, for molecules of low symmetry, elliptically polarized light must be used in order to determine five independent quadratic forms in the 18 symmetric components (βijk+βikj). According to the present results, the apparent discrepancy between the observed value of ⅓ for the depolarization ratio for CCl4 and the value to be expected from theory may be due to the fact that the coherent contribution had been neglected in previous theoretical considerations. In general, orientational correlation is essential if there is to be appreciable contribution from coherent scattering. For macromolecules, this constitutes a major difference between single- and double-quantum scattering, and additional information may be expected if the latter is investigated experimentally.

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