
Mutations in the human X-linked doublecortin gene (DCX) cause major neocortical disorganization associated with severe intellectual disability and intractable epilepsy. Although Dcx knockout (KO) mice exhibit normal isocortical development and architecture, they show lamination defects of the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer largely restricted to the CA3 region. Dcx-KO mice also exhibit interneuron abnormalities. As well as the interest of testing their general neurocognitive profile, Dcx-KO mice also provide a relatively unique model to assess the effects of a disorganized CA3 region on learning and memory. Based on its prominent anatomical and physiological features, the CA3 region is believed to contribute to rapid encoding of novel information, formation and storage of arbitrary associations, novelty detection, and short-term memory. We report here that Dcx-KO adult males exhibit remarkably preserved hippocampal- and CA3-dependant cognitive processes using a large battery of classical hippocampus related tests such as the Barnes maze, contextual fear conditioning, paired associate learning and object recognition. In addition, we show that hippocampal adult neurogenesis, in terms of proliferation, survival and differentiation of granule cells, is also remarkably preserved in Dcx-KO mice. In contrast, following social deprivation, Dcx-KO mice exhibit impaired social interaction and reduced aggressive behaviors. In addition, Dcx-KO mice show reduced behavioral lateralization. The Dcx-KO model thus reinforces the association of neuropsychiatric behavioral impairments with mouse models of intellectual disability.


  • Cortical malformations are associated with epileptic syndromes and severe intellectual disability

  • We previously showed a loss of behavioral lateralization in another intellectual disability mouse model [46]

  • Dcx-KO mice exhibit an abnormal double layer of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells that are characterized by reduced dendritic arbors and an increased excitability [13,14]

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Cortical malformations are associated with epileptic syndromes and severe intellectual disability. Type I lissencephaly, a cortical lamination disorder, is characterized by a smooth brain surface and a thickened and severely disorganized neocortex, as well as abnormally formed hippocampi [1]. Heterozygote Lis and Tuba1a mutant mice show only subtle isocortical layering abnormalities [4,7]. In both models, CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells are disorganized [4,7,8,9]. Dcx-KO mice on the other hand show no lamination defects in the isocortex and a cellular disorganization largely restricted to the CA3 region of the hippocampus [1,11,12]

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