
This paper is devoted to the numerical computation of the solution to stationary space fractional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). To this end, we derive some algorithms for solving fractional algebraic linear systems resulting from the discretization of these space fractional PDEs. The proposed approach is based on an efficient computation of Cauchy’s integrals allowing to estimate positive real powers of a (sparse) matrix A. A first preconditioner M is used to reduce the length of the Cauchy integral contour enclosing the spectrum of MA, hence allowing in some cases for a large reduction of the number of quadrature nodes along the integral contour. Next, ILU-factorizations are used to efficiently solve the linear systems involved in the computation of approximate Cauchy’s integrals. Therefore, the strategy is independent of the way the Cauchy integrals are computed, although in this paper, for the sake of simplicity, we use standard quadrature rules. Based on this approach, we derive some solvers for stationary deterministic or stochastic space fractional Poisson equations which are tested in a series of numerical experiments.

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