
The present study deals with the double orbit finite capacity retrial queues with unreliable server. The system facilitates the arrival of two types of customers known as priority and non priority customers and can hold a maximum of L priority customers and K non-priority customers as per its capacity. The priority customers are served prior to the non-priority customers. Moreover, the server is unreliable which may breakdown while servicing either priority or non-priority customer. The failed server is sent for repair following threshold recovery policy to become as good as earlier. Both transient as well as steady state analysis of the model has been done using by matrix method. Various performance measures including queue length, reliability metrics, long run probabilities, etc. have been obtained using various state probabilities. The application of the model to cellular radio network has been discussed. The cost function has been constructed and optimized using meta heuristic approach. The sensitivity analysis of various performance indices has been performed as an illustration.

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