
To compare the mechanical performance of cerclage secured with twist, single-loop, and double-loop knots subjected to cyclic loading. In vitro biomechanical study. Twist, single-loop and double-loop cerclage configurations of 1.0 mm wire. The peak load resisted by each cerclage type was determined (n=6). Cerclage were loaded cyclically to 80%, 60%, 40%, or 20% of its peak load (n=8 per load level). The number of cycles until each cerclage loosened (residual tension <10N) was recorded. All wires that failed did so by loosening. Twist cerclage cycled to 390 N and 290 N loosened within the first 10cycles, and, when cycled to 100 N, they loosened by 250 cycles. All twist knots loosened by untwisting. Single-loop cerclage cycled to 320 N loosened within 10cycles. At 240 N, 5 single-loop cerclage resisted 250 cycles before loosening. At 160 N, 2 of the 8 single-loop cerclage did not loosen by 100 000 cycles. When cycled to 640 N, one of the double-loop cerclage did not loosen following 500 000 cycles. When cycled to 480 N, 3 of the 8 wires did not loosen. Double-loop cerclage will be tighter and are better able to resist cycling than twist or single-loop cerclage. Use of double-loop cerclage to stabilize bone fragments or prevent fissure propagation can be expected to provide greater resistance to loosening than twist or single-loop cerclage, both initially and with repeated loading.

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