
<span>A research of design of double layer collimator using </span><sup>9</sup><span>Be(p,n) neutron source has been conducted. The research objective is to design a double layer collimator to obtain neutron sources that are compliant with the IAEA standards. The approach to the design of double layer collimator used the MCNPX code. From the research, it was found that the optimum dimensions of a beryllium target are 0.01 mm in length and 9.5 cm in radius. Collimator consists of a D</span><sub>2</sub><span>O and Al moderator, Pb and Ni as a reflector, and Cd and Fe as a thermal and fast neutron filter. The gamma filter used Bi and Pb. The quality neutron beams emitted from the double layer collimator is specified by five parameters: epithermal neutron flux 1 ×10</span><sup>9</sup><span> n/cm</span><sup>2</sup><span>s; fast neutron dose per epithermal neutron flux 5 ×10</span><sup>13</sup><span> Gy cm</span><sup>2</sup><span>s; gamma dose per epithermal neutron flux 1×10</span><sup>13</sup><span> Gy cm</span><sup>2</sup><span>s; ratio of the thermal neutron flux of epithermal neutron flux 0; and the ratio of epithermal neutron current to total epithermal neutron 0.54.</span>

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