
Dönges J. 1972. Double infection experiments with echinostomatids (Trematoda) in Lymnaea stagnalis by implantation of rediae and exposure to miracidia. International Journal for Parasitology, 2: 409–423. Echinostomatid species parasitizing Lymnaea stagnalis as first intermediate hosts in a South German Lake have been found present in natural double infections, but at frequencies lower than expected. Simultaneous double infection and superinfection experiments in Lymnaea stagnalis with Isthmiophora melis, Echinoparyphium aconiatum and Echinostoma revolutum were performed by redial implantation and by exposure to miracidia. All three combinations possible of these echinostomatids proved to be unstable, one species being eliminated by another ‘stronger’ one after an invariable suppression order. The degree of vigour of Isthmiophora melis in this suppression order is greater if mother rediae (macropharyngeate) are present, i.e. after miracidial invasion instead of daughter redial implantation. Snails parasitized by rediae of a ‘weak’ type could be superinfected by implantation of rediae of a ‘strong’ type, but not if the first (‘weak’) infection had reached the stage of shedding cercariae. Superinfection by implantation of Echinoparyphium aconiatum rediae (‘strong’ type) was not successful when the first infection consisted of sporocysts of plagiorchiids, or of Apatemon sp. (Strigeidae) that had reached the stage of shedding cercariae.

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