
The introduction of immunological techniques into tissue staining methods has enabled the analysis of the pathological state of various diseases. Immunohistochemical methods are based on the specific antigen-antibody reaction and have made possible the differentiation of the fine structure that could not be stained by ordinary histological staining techniques hitherto. For example, two kinds of cells difficult to differentiate by light microscopy can be visualized separately by using immunohistochemistry in conjuction with different antisera. Furthermore, simultaneous visualization of two or more antigens in the same specimen has become desirable in immunohistochemistry for the detection of cytoarchitectural relationships between cellular sources of these antigens and for quantitating cells containing different antigens (Hsu and Soban, 1982). Therefore, many studies on double staining methods have been carried out.KeywordsDouble StainingImmunoperoxidase MethodNormal Mouse SerumAntibody MethodHuman Lymph NodeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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