
After incubation of tissue sections with anti-allotype-enzyme conjugates, the localization of immunoglobulin-allotype-bearing cells in the lymphoid tissues of conventional and chimeric rabbits could be established. The use of anti-allotype sera bearing distinct enzyme labels allowed simultaneous recognition of B cells producing immunoglobulin of one or the other parental types in heterozygous rabbits, or of B cells from the donor and recipient in chimeras. After immunization of chimeric rabbits with trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, anti-trinitrophenyl antibody-forming cells could be demonstrated through the use of a trinitrophenyl-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. Simultaneous incubation of sections with this reagent and with horseradish peroxidase coupled to (donor or recipient) anti-allotype sera made possible the determination of the origin (donor or recipient) of the antibody-forming cells. In agreement with the results of plaque assays and analyses of serum antibodies, all the anti-TNP producing cells were of donor origin when the chimeras had been created through injection of spleen or lymph node cells from trinitrophenyl primed donors. With this study we introduce a simple, direct method for the simultaneous identification of cells that produce antibody of a given allotype and a given specificity, applicable to appropriate studies in heterozygous or chimeric rabbits. The procedure has various advantages over previously reported methods.

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